Creative design of objects and small-scale constructions, through the principles of modern parametric design.

Course Code:



B' Semester

Course Hours:





Creative design of objects and small-scale constructions, through the principles of modern parametric design. Approaching the object through different logics that make up autonomous modules and with the parametric design tool. Students manage the problem of object design, as well as small-scale constructions, with the aim of investigating its structure and its relationship with its eventual form. The course is organized by a series of lectures on topics related to design theory, such as:
Theory of curves and surfaces

Theory of polyhedra and groups of planar decorations
Transformations in plane and space
Data structures in algorithmic design
The concept of the external point of influence of the designed object
The importance of vectors and domains

Projections on curved surfaces.

Productive design systems propose a philosophical and technological framework for addressing issues of creatively incorporating values ​​and quality attributes during design processes. Productive design can be a fruitful environment for the symbiotic development of technological, social and aesthetic values ​​in the design of different scale indoor and outdoor objects. Students manage the problem of object design and small-scale constructions, with the main focus on its implementation using modern methods, such as the laser cutter and 3D printing. The design is approached through logic compatible with modern implementation methods.
Learning results
Students learn to recognize the structure of existing objects and/or organisms of nature and identify the generative rules that dictate it. They then proceed to design an object that draws content from said structure, using modern parametric tools. Through such an analytical-synthetic process, students learn to design objects, drawing data from the natural world or through the analysis of existing objects.The design is compatible with the operation of modern implementation machines, such as the laser cutter and the 3D printer. Therefore, they become familiar with design methods with parametric tools and methods of digital realization of the designed object.