Admission method & Number of admissions

The maximum number of postgraduate students is set at twenty-five (25) based on a ratio of 1.25/1 student per faculty member of the Department of Interior Architecture. This Program offers specialization in theoretical and technological background knowledge as well as updating and deepening in innovative and modern methods and techniques, with reference to the field of Sustainable Design in different Architectural scales.


Based on this, graduates of higher education institutions, with cognitive subjects in a relevant scientific area, of the domestic territory or similar recognized institutions abroad, are admitted to the MSc. The selection of students is made in accordance with the provisions of Article 34 of Law 4485/2017 and the provisions of the Regulation of Postgraduate Studies, who possess the required knowledge and background skills for the attendance of theoretical and theory-practice (design) courses and for the successful completion of the Master’s Thesis.


It is planned to admit foreign students, if they have sufficient knowledge of the Greek language (holders of a B2 level certificate), based on the ministerial decision Φ152/Β6/1504/30-5-2001 (659 B’).

The selection of candidates will be made after evaluation of criteria according to the following scheme:





Κ1 Degree grade (grades in courses relevant to the subject matter of the MSc, as well as performance in a thesis where required, are taken into account) 30%
Κ2 English language level 10%
Κ3 Possible writing and/or research activity of the candidate 15%
Κ4 The applicant’s professional experience or documented involvement in the subjects of the programme 15%
Κ5 Interview 30%


The academic criteria for the evaluation of admissions include:

the degree level
the grade in the courses relevant to the subject matter of the MSc.
performance in a dissertation, where this is provided for in the first cycle of studies, and
the relevant research and professional activity of the candidate


Selection of candidates

A prerequisite for selection is the adequate knowledge of at least one language other than the language of the MSc and this is English (level B2) as described in Annex A of this regulation. 
In case of a tie, the number of postgraduate students admitted to the programme is increased in order to admit the last tied candidate. In addition to the number of admission, members of the categories of SNEs, HPEs and STPs shall be admitted as supernumerary scholarship holders in accordance with par. 8 of Article 34 of Law 4485/17.
In the P.M.S., following the decision of the Board, graduates successful in the relevant competition for postgraduate studies of the I.K.Y. in a subject related to the subject of the P.M.S., or scholarship holders from non-profit institutions, may participate as supernumerary students.
Students whose first cycle degrees from a foreign institution have not been recognized by the Interdisciplinary Organization for the Recognition of Academic Qualifications and Information (D.O.A.T.A.P.), according to the law. 3328/2005 (Α΄ 80).

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